I broke and made a Medium

For the longest time, I didn’t want to.

Kenzie Sy
1 min readDec 30, 2021

It’s not because of the site, the UX, the people, or whatsoever, but simply because I didn’t think anyone would care to read it. However, I am now realizing that whenever I wrote something or had something published in my university or in my internships — I didn’t really care about the number of people who would read it but rather the fact that I got something published.

There are so many thoughts in my head that I simply can’t turn into fiction or poetry, which are so clearly my strong suits, and so I made this. Sometimes, I need to see the reality and write it as it happens. Every so often I struggle to say things in ways that fit into the poetry or fiction idea; there has to be something more to this, and so there is.

Today, I’m breaking free of the idea that no one will ever read the things I write, as I grow my Tumblr account, there are so many other things more important than readers. There are so many other important things to being a writer than just the questions “who?” and “how many?”

Today, I am realizing exactly that.

Welcome to my Medium.



Kenzie Sy

20-year old trying to figure out life as it goes. Communication major.